
AI Meets Project Management: Insights from PMA-PMI’s Future-Focused Forum

On June 20, 2024, Project Management Academy Sdn Bhd (PMA) and Project Management Institute (PMI) came together to host a thought-provoking talk titled “Navigating The Future: AI, Market Trends & Project Performance” at the Bungalow 37 venue which was followed by lunch. This collaborative event aimed to bring together professionals and experts in the field of project management to delve into the evolving landscape of project management in the context of artificial intelligence and emerging market trends.

The talk featured keynote speakers, April Tai (Regional Head of Markets Asia Pacific at PMI), and Sanjeev Raj (Managing Director of PMA). Their presentations and discussions provided valuable insights into the future of project management, emphasizing the crucial role that AI, market trends, and project performance play in shaping the industry’s trajectory towards success and innovation.

Attended by over 40 representatives from various organizations spanning diverse sectors such as Banking, Energy & Telecommunications, Construction, Property Development, Engineering, Oil & Gas, Logistics, Government Linked Corporations (GLCs) and more, the event served as a melting pot of ideas, experiences, and expertise. This diverse mix of attendees enriched the discussions, fostering a collaborative environment for knowledge sharing and networking opportunities.

The final session was the MOU signing between PMA and PMI – Malaysia Chapter which was represented by its President Dr Joshau Netto. This MOU is to further enhance the cooperation between both parties in advancing the project management profession.

Participants left the event with fresh perspectives, valuable insights, and new connections that are poised to hopefully influence their future endeavours and contribute to the continued growth and innovation in the realm of project management.