
Certified ESG Reporting Practitioner


ESG or Sustainability Reporting is an important topic at this moment for every company that either creates reports to be compliant with regulations or because they believe it is necessary for other reasons. Even though many companies are producing an ESG report or statement every year, there is still much confusion about the topic and most reports can be improved. Also the reporting landscape is constantly changing with new requirements, regulations and standards being published regularly. Both new national and international regulations need to be reflected in the ESG report.

This three-day programme focuses on providing an in-depth understanding of ESG/Sustainability Reporting in general. It focusses not only on the latest requirements of BURSA Malaysia but also goes into depth on reporting in accordance with other standards such as the GRI Standards, the TCFD guidelines, the IFRS Standards and the concepts of UN SDGs and Integrated Reporting. After this program, the participants will have a clear understanding of how to prepare an ESG/Sustainability statement or report and how to apply any of the local or global standards.

The main topics that will be featured are:

  • Latest BURSA Requirements (2023 version)
  • GRI Standards (2021 Version)
  • IFRS S1 and S2 (2023)
  • UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Integrated Reporting
  • Other Global Standards (IIB, SASB, TCFD)

The objective of the training is to give the participants practical knowledge and skills in contrast to only having the theory presented to them. Also the focus of the program is to be able to create your own sustainability report instead of being able to analyse reports by others.


At the end of the program, the participant will receive a certificate of attendance and will be sent a link to an online exam. After successfully completing the exam, the participant will receive a new certificate indicating that the participant successfully completed and passed the ESG Reporting Practitioner exam.

We are working together with Bureau Veritas, the renowned international certification agency for the certification of this program. Bureau Veritas will issue the final certificate after the participant has attended the full program and passed the online exam.


This program is designed for people who are responsible for or involved in the ESG/Sustainability Reporting efforts of the organisation, either in a managerial role or as part of the reporting team.


  • Comprehend the fundamentals and elements of ESG/Sustainability Reporting                
  • Comprehend the latest BURSA Requirements,
  • Comprehend the latest GRI Standards,
  • Comprehend IFRS S1 and S2 and TCFD
  • Comprehend the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Identify ESG/Sustainability Stakeholders
  • Comprehend Governance in ESG                                                
  • Comprehend Materiality and Double Materiality
  • Identify Baselines, Targets and KPIs for all material issues
  • Comprehend Carbon Footprint and GHG Emissions                                                                
  • Identify the Carbon Footprint of the organization
  • Identify the relation with the UN SDGs
  • Comprehend the concept of greenwashing
  • Discuss the audience for the ESG Report
  • Discuss areas of improvement for the ESG performance of the organization                                


  • What is ESG/Sustainability?
    • Environmental, Social and Governance
    • Difference between ESG and Sustainability
  • What are the latest BURSA Requirements?
    • The original BURSA requirements
    • The latest update of the requirements (September 2023)
  • Stakeholders
    • Stakeholder Identification
    • Stakeholder Analysis
    • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Materiality
    • What is Materiality and Double Materiality?
    • Materiality Matrix
  • KPIs, Baselines and Targets
    • Defining KPIs
    • Defining Baselines and Targets
  • Carbon Footprint
    • What is Carbon Footprint?
    • How to determine CHG Emissions?
    • Various Scopes of Emissions
    • TCFD Guidelines
  • Governance
    • Governance in ESG
    • Governance in reporting
  • GRI Standards
    • GRI 1, GRI 2 and GRI 3 general standards
    • Sector Standards
    • Topic Specific Standards (GRI 200, GRI 300 and GRI 400)
  • Other international standards
    • ISO Standards
    • IFRS S1 and S2
    • SASB
    • ESRS
  • Integrated Reporting
    • What is Integrated Reporting
    • Why Integrated Reporting?
  • UN Sustainable Development Goals
    • What are the UN SDGs?
    • How to integrate the SDGs into the ESG Reporting?
  • ESG Rating and Rating Agencies
    • What is ESG Rating?
    • Rating Agencies
    • FTSE4Good Index
  • Greenwashing
    • What is greenwashing?
    • What is Social Washing?
    • How to identify greenwashing?