
Shifting to an Agile Mindset


Traditionally Agile has always been associated with IT development. However, more and more businesses understand that the principles of Agile have a much wider area of use. Many business processes outside IT, can strongly benefit from a more Agile approach.

In today’s dynamic markets, leaders and professionals need a very different mindset from those used to manage traditional organizations in less-demanding times. Therefore, it is vital for leaders and professionals to shift to an agile mindset in adapting to changes and delivering incremental values to their stakeholders in today’s organizations that are increasingly designed for innovation, collaboration, and value creation.

Based on the Agile Manifesto, the programme focuses on how to apply the 4 Agile Statements and the underlying 12 principles to bettering the business.

Applying Agile to the business starts with developing a mindset that is in line with Business Agility and understanding how a more Agile approach to the business processes can create significant improvements in both the efficiency and the effectiveness of these processes

This workshop is created for those who believe in and want to know more about applying agile principles and practices to their business processes. It highlights the various agile approaches and uses the 4 statements of the Agile Manifesto and the 12 underlying principles as its basis. It will focus on the essential knowledge necessary to understand Agile and to decide how applicable it is to the business the participants are involved in.

The program explores how to develop an Agile mindset and Way of Working to successfully implement Agile into the business. The program will also examine what hybrid forms are possible if pure Agile is not the best option.


This course is designed for persons who have business experience and are keen to understand the application of Agile principles, tools and techniques to their business. The participants can include Senior Management, Business Strategists, Transformation Department, etc.


  • Understand the 4 statements of the Agile Manifesto and how it applies to business in general
  • Being able to understand and apply the 12 principles of Agile in a business context
  • Understand the necessary mindset to make Agile successful
  • Understand how Agile Way of Working is different from the traditional way of working
  • Being able to decide where to apply Agile and were not
  • Ability to work with the different techniques under Agile
  • Understand Lean and Kanban in an Agile context
  • Ability to analyse and define important Stakeholders
  • Understand the different roles within an Agile environment
  • Having a working knowledge of the Do’s and Don’ts with Agile


  • The Agile Manifesto
  • Agile Principles
  • Agile Mindset
  • Working in an Adaptive way
  • The Agile Organization
  • Stakeholders in an Agile environment
  • Agile and Customer Centricity
  • Agile Tools and Techniques that can be applied to a business environment
  • The self-organizing team in Agile